How to show your appreciation: てform + くれる

Sentence pattern
Sentence pattern

Which sentence is correct if you want to show appreciation and say ‘My friend taught how to use chopsticks.’?

  • 友だちがはしの使い方を教えました。
  • 友だちがはしの使い方を教えくれました。

The two sentences are grammatically correct, but the first one tells the fact only.

However, the second sentence can convey the fact as well as appreciation for the friend’s action.

てform + くれる

てform + くれる is used when somebody kindly does something for ‘me’ or ‘people in my family’.

For example, 父は先生と話してくれた means ‘My father kindly spoke to teachers (for me).’


くれる means ‘to give (something to ME)’ on its own.


In a sentence

  • そふぼが子どもとあそんでくれます。(Grandparents kindly play with my kids.)
  • 友だちがマスクを作ってくれる。(Friends kindly make masks for me.)
  • おやが食べ物を送ってくれました。(Parents kindly sent food to me.)
  • いとこが英語をおしえてくれました。(Cousins kindly taught me English.)
  • 姉が駅までむかえに来てくれた。(My older sister kindly came to the station to pick me up.)
  • 弟がくうこうまでうんてんしてくれた。(My younger brother kindly drove to an airport for me.)
  • 母が旅行のじゅんびをしてくれた。(My mother kindly prepared for a trip for me.)