

Rules for Genko-yoshi

On this page, you can learn what you should do and should not do when you use a genko yoshi paper.
question, grammar tip

What sports do Japanese people enjoy?

Baseball had been the most popular to watch as well as play until early 1990s when J League started.

What does a good Japanese writing look like?

A good writing with correct sentence patterns and conjunctions is very easy to read.

Effective words for your Japanese writing

Here is the list of the words which help you to write in Japanese logically.
Sentence pattern

Passive Sentence

Passive Sentence in EnglishThe passive sentence in English is 'be + past participle'. Here are some examples:Cakes are m...
question, grammar tip

What is the longest word in Japanese?

On this page, you can learn the longest Japanese word as well as Japanese words with many strokes.
question, grammar tip

Why can kids in Japan get money during New Year?

It is called 'otoshidama'(おとしだま・お年玉), which parents usually give to their children. The money can be considered as power from a god.
question, grammar tip

What is the special meal for New Year? What for?

The special meal for New Year is called 'osechi ryori'(おせちりょうり・御節料理).
question, grammar tip

What do Japanese people do after finishing high school?

It depends on what type of high school you go.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar】A は B より adjective。= A is more adjective than B.

How do you compare things in Japanese? Can you change the following sentences to Japanese? You can do that once you learn the content on this page: Australia is bigger than Japan. I am taller than my mother. Cats are cuter than dogs. Planes are faster than bullet trains.