Let’s learn Japanese with the song 栄光の架橋 (Bridge of Glory) by ゆず (Yuzu).

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Culture and News

On this page, you can learn Japanese words you can use in a daily conversation with the song 栄光の架橋 (Bridge of Glory) by ゆず (Yuzu).


Official Music Video


This song was written to cheer athletes who competed in the Summer Olympics in 2004.

The learning focus on this page is the expressions below.

  • 悔しくて眠れなかった夜があった
  • 恐くて震えていた夜があった

You can find them in the video. Go to 1:58.


Let’s have a look at the expressions more carefully. Scroll down please.



Meaning: One night I could not sleep because of regret.
  • 悔しくて(くや・しくて/ku ya shi ku te)is originally 悔しい(くや・しい/ku ya shi i)which means ‘regretful’.

悔しい becomes 悔しくて

You need to change い at the end of いadjective into くて if you want to continue to say more words in a sentence.

  • 私は悔しい。( I am regretful.)
  • 私は悔しくてかなしい。(I am regretful and sad.)

  • 眠れなかった(ねむ・れなかった/ne mu re na ka t ta)means ‘could not sleep’.


  • 眠れなかった consists of 眠れ and なかった.
  • れ is Stem Form of 眠れる which means ‘can sleep’.
  • 眠れる is Potential Form and can be made from 眠る(ねむ・る/ne mu ru)which means ‘to sleep’.
  • なかった means ‘did not’ and follows a verb Stem Form.

  • 夜(よる/yo ru)means ‘night’.
  • が (ga) is a topic marking particle which doesn’t mean anything.
  • あった (a t ta) is originally ある which means ‘exist’ or ‘there is’.


夜があった literally means ‘There was a night’, but it sounds better to say ‘One night I had’ in this case.


The literal translation does not always work between languages.



Meaning: One night I was shivering because I was scared.
  • 恐くて(こわ・くて/ko wa ku te)is originally 恐い(こわ・い/ko wa i)which means ‘scared’.

恐い becomes 恐くて

You need to change い at the end of いadjective into くて if you want to continue to say more words in a sentence.

  • 私は恐い。( I am scared.)
  • 私は恐くて泣いている。(I am scared and crying.)

  • 震えていた(ふる・えていた/fu ru e te i ta)is originally 震える(ふる・える/fu ru e ru), which means ‘to shiver’.

震えて + いた

  • 震えて is てForm, which you need in front of いた.

Grammar: てForm + いた

  • てForm + いた is Past Progressive Form, which means ‘was/were -ing’.
  • That is why 震えていた means ‘was shivering’
  • いた is Plain Form of いました, so you can use いました if you want to say it politely.
  • 震えていた (was shivering) – casual
  • 震えていました (was shivering) – polite
  • 夜(よる/yo ru)means ‘night’.
  • が (ga) is a topic marking particle which doesn’t mean anything.
  • あった (a t ta) is originally ある which means ‘exist’ or ‘there is’.


夜があった literally means ‘There was a night’, but it sounds better to say ‘One night I had’ in this case.
