
family family

Let’s learn the basic sentences below to talk about family.

Japanese English
1 ご家族にだれがいますか。 Who is in your family?
2 父と母と弟と私がいます。 There are my father, my mother, my younger brother and I.
3 ご家族は何人ですか。 How many people are in your family?
4 家族は三人です。 There are three people in my family.
5 家族は五人で、父と母と兄と姉と私です。 There are five people in my family; father, mother, older brother, older sister and I.
6 お母さんはどんな人ですか。 What kind of person is your mother?
7 母はやさしい人です。 My mother is a kind person.
8 妹はしずかであたまがいいです。 My younger sister is quiet and smart.
9 兄はりょうりが上手です。 My older brother is good at cooking.
10 姉ははさみを使うことが上手です。 My older sister is good at using scissors.
11 家でどんな家事をしなければなりませんか。 What kind of chores do you have to do at home?
12 私は家でそうじきをかけなければなりません。 I have to vacuum at home.
13 妹さんは何年生ですか。 What year level is your younger sister in?
14 妹は小学二年生です。 My younger sister is in Grade 2.
15 姉はかみが長いです。 My older sister has a long hair.
16 お父さんは何が好きですか。 What does your father like?
17 父は車が好きです。 My father likes cars.
18 父は車をうんてんすることが好きです。 My father likes to drive a car.
19 父は朝ご飯を食べてから新聞を読みます。 My father reads newspaper after eating breakfast.
20 妹さんは今何をしていますか。 What is your younger sister doing?
21 妹は本を読んでいます。 My younger sister is reading a book.
22 ご家族と一しょによく何をしますか。 What do you often do with your family?
23 家族と一しょによくサイクリングをします。 I often do cycling with my family.
24 私はよく家族とテレビを見たり、テニスをしたりします。 I often watch TV and play tennis with my family.
25 ペットをかっていますか。 Do you have a pet?
26 はい、ペットをかっています。 Yes, I do have a pet.
27 私はペットをかっています。ペットは犬一ぴきで、名前はポチです。 I have a pet. It is one dog and its name is Pochi.
28 どんなペットをかっていますか。 What kind of pet do you have?
29 姉は十五才で、学生です。 My older sister is a 15 year old student.
30 お母さんは何才ですか。 How old is your mother?
31 母は三十六さいです。 My mother is 36 years old.
32 父は四十二さいで、銀行ではたらきます。 My father is 42 years old and works at a bank.
33 お父さんの仕事は何ですか。 What is your father’s job?
34 父はいしゃです。 My father is a doctor.
35 母はスーパーではたらきます。 My mother works at a supermarket.
36 妹と私はふたごです。 My younger sister and I are twins.
37 私には兄二人がいます。 I have two older brothers.
38 弟は私よりせが高いです。 My younger brother is taller than me.
39 弟は五才のときにテニスを始めました。 My younger brother started tennis when he was 5 years old.
40 母は六時半におきて朝ご飯を作ります。 My mother wakes up at half past 6 and makes breakfast.


【Japanese daily conversation】Family

On this page, you can see basic questions with a sample answer which are useful to talk about family.

Listening exercise

こたえsix peopleこたえten peopleこたえthree peopleこたえtwo peopleこたえeight people


You can read texts about family in simple English.
Basic sentence

【Topic: Family】How do you say ‘What kind of pets do you have?’ in Japanese?

On this page, you can learn how to ask what kind of pets somebody has in Japanese.

【Difference】between お姉ちゃん (oneechan) and お姉さん (oneesan)

The key learning focus here is that さん is a suffix which is more polite than ちゃん. Let's find out how to pronounce and use it.

【Vocabulary】Verbs for family chores

Do you know vacuum, wash dishes, mow the lawn or do the laundry in Japanese? Let's check them all here.
Basic sentence

【Basic Sentence: Family】I have to vacuum at home.

Let's learn how to say what chores you do at home in Japanese.
Basic sentence

【Basic Sentence: Family】What kind of chores do you have to do at home?

Let's learn how to ask what chores somebody has to do at home in Japanese.
Basic sentence

Family: I often do cycling with my family.

On this page, you can learn how to say what you often do with your family in Japanese.
Basic sentence

Family: Yes, I do have a pet.

On this page, you can learn how to say that you have a pet in Japanese.