Culture and News Japanese ice cream In the video below, you can see a variety of ice cream you can buy in Japan. For example, she introduces a Yuzu sherbet.... 2016.10.16 Culture and Newsfood
Culture and News Green tea TV ad by Tao Tsuchiya Tao Tsuchiya(土屋太鳳・つちや たお)is a Japanese actress and has become very famous and popular in 2016. She is nice and friendl... 2016.05.09 Culture and Newsfood
Culture and News Chicken and egg rice bowl (Oyako-don) Oyako(おやこ)means 'parent and child'. Chicken and egg are parent and child, that is why the name was given to the dish. 2016.04.20 Culture and Newsfood
Culture and News 【Japanese culture with videos】Sushi Let's learn about types of sushi and how to eat sushi. 2015.12.18 Culture and Newsfood
Culture and News Hello Kitty lunch box This is one of the typical examples of Japanese people who are dedicated to making their children happy. This type of lu... 2012.12.05 Culture and Newsfood