Sentence pattern

Sentence pattern

A has (or have) B:【A には B があります。】

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar to say 'A has B'.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar】verb てform + はいけません (wa ikemasen) = not allowed to + verb: How to express prohibition

Let's learn how to say those sentences in Japanese: I am not allowed to talk to my mother. I am not allowed to drive a car. You are not allowed to drink beer. You are not allowed to swim in the river. Students are not allowed to eat in a classroom.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar: conjunction】と、ば、ら (to, ba, ra) = if: how to express condition

Let's learn how to say those sentences in Japanese: You can eat yummy food if you go to a restaurant. Please ring when you arrive at the station. The door opens if you use this key.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar: conjunction】とき(時、toki)= when

On this page, you can learn how to make sentences with the sentence pattern for 'when (conjunction)' in Japanese.
Sentence pattern

わたしは A より B がすきです。

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for what you like more than other things.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese Grammar】How to join adjectives

Do you know how to say 'small and cute' or 'tall and cool' in Japanese?
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar】verb dictionary form + ことがすきです (ことが好きです/kotogasukidesu) = like to + verb

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar to express what you like to do.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese Grammar】A called B = B という (toiu) A

Do you know how to say the followings in Japanese? Check this page if you are not sure: food called Takoyaki, a town called Yokohama, a flower called Ume.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese Grammar】たり、たりします (tari, tarishimasu) = verb and verb: how to join or list verbs, using た form

Let's learn how to say the following sentences in Japanese: I read books and watch TV. I talk with friends and play games. My father reads newspaper and drinks coffee. My mother makes cakes and listen to music.
Sentence pattern

help person to + verb:【person が verb dict. form のをてつだいます】

On this page, you can learn how to say 'help person to do' in Japanese.