【Japanese daily conversation】Part time job
On this page, you can see basic questions with a sample answer which are useful to talk about part time job.
【★】Listening Task:今日のアルバイト
You should know the following words for the text you are listening to: 映画(えいが)、数学(すうがく)、土曜日(どようび)、今度(こんど)、お客さん(おきゃくさん)
【★】Listening Task:スーパーでアルバイト
You should know the following words for the text you are listening to: 何(なに)、週末(しゅうまつ)、店長(てんちょう)、近所(きんじょ)、時給(じきゅう)
【Basic Sentence: Part time job】My part time job is enjoyable.
Let's learn how to describe your part time job in Japanese.
【Basic Sentence: Part time job】I have a part time job on Thursday.
Let's learn how to say what day you have a part time job in Japanese.
Part time job: I work at McDonald’s.
On this page, you can learn how to say where you work in Japanese.
Part time job: I work three days per week.
On this page, you can learn how to say how many times you work per week in Japanese.
【Topic: Part time job】Let’s learn how to say ‘I earn 15 dollars per hour.’ in Japanese.
On this page, you can learn how to say how much you earn per hour in Japanese.
Part time job: I work from 5 o’clock to half past 9.
On this page, you can learn how to say when (what time) you work in Japanese.