words in news, manga etc

words in news, manga etc

Words in manga: かんぱい – cheers

Let's learn Japanese with manga. What you are going to learn on this page is: それじゃ。かんぱい! When you read manga,...
words in news, manga etc

Words in manga: 勝つ – win

Let's learn Japanese with manga. What you are going to learn on this page is: 今日おれは勝つ! 今日おれは勝つ! (I...
words in news, manga etc

Words in manga: ねむりたい – want to sleep

Let's learn Japanese with manga. What you are going to learn on this page is: ただ眠りたい! ただ眠りたい (I j...
words in news, manga etc

Words in manga: おねがい – please

Let's learn Japanese with manga. What you are going to learn on this page is: おねがい。誰にも言わないで。 おねがい。誰にも言...
words in news, manga etc

Words in manga: じー – stare (onomatopoeia)

There are a couple of ways to say 'stare' in Japanese. The bold words below are onomatopoeia.じろじろ見るじっと見るじーっと見るじーーーーーー in...
words in news, manga etc

Words in manga: オレ – I

Let's learn Japanese with manga. What you are going to learn on this page is: オレは普通の男なんだ オレは普通の男な...
words in news, manga etc

Words in manga: もう – already

Let's learn Japanese with manga. What you are going to learn on this page is: 今日はやる気がしない。もうやった。 今日...
words in news, manga etc

Words in manga: よくない – not good

Let's learn Japanese with manga. What you are going to learn on this page is: よくないっ!! よくないっ (Not ...
words in news, manga etc

Words in manga: マジ – really

Let's learn Japanese with manga. What you are going to learn on this page is: マジ!? マジ (Really) ...
words in news, manga etc

Words in manga: アルバイト – part time job

Let's learn Japanese with manga. What you are going to learn on this page is: あーアルバイトしたいなー あーアルバイ...