Level 6 – topic: technology


Level 6 – topic: technology

Understand vocabulary and grammar patterns thoroughly in each sentence.

If you are not sure about Relative Clause which is highlighted in [su_highlight background=”#FFA07A”]this colour below, go to this page.

Key sentences

  • 今朝(けさ)の新聞(しんぶん)によると、[su_highlight background=”#FFA07A”]自動車(じどうしゃ)の中(なか)においてあったスマホから火(ひ)が出(で)たそうです。[toggle title=”Meaning”]According to the newspaper this morning, [su_highlight background=”#FFA07A”]the smartphone that was left in a car caught fire.[/toggle]
  • スマホにはいろいろなアプリがあるので、べんりだと思う人は多いです。[toggle title=”Meaning”]Many people think a smartphone is convenient because it has various apps.[/toggle]
  • フェイスブックは自分(じぶん)の本(ほん)とうの名前(なまえ)を使(つか)わなければならないので、書(か)いたことにせきにんをもたなければなりません。[toggle title=”Meaning”]You must be responsible for what you wrote because you have to use your real name on Facebook.[/toggle]