【Basic Sentence: Family】My mother is a kind person.

Basic sentence
Basic sentencefamily

Key Sentence

EnglishMy mother is a kind person.
Kanaはは は やさしい ひと です。
Kana + Kanji は やさしい  です。
Romajihaha wa yasashii hito desu
Romaji (with space)ha ha wa / ya sa shi i / hi to / de su
Kanji characters in yellow are Basic 200 Kanji. Make sure you can write them.


KanaKanjiRomajiRomaji (with space)English
ははhahaha hamy mother
wawa(no meaning)
やさしいyasashiiya sa shi ikind
ひとhitohi toperson
ですdesude suis
Kanji characters in yellow are Basic 200 Kanji. Make sure you can write them.


Task 1: Change into Japanese.

  • My father is a scary person.
  • My younger brother is a boring person.

Task 2: Change into English.

  • 姉はきびしい人です。
  • 祖父はおだやかな人です。

Task 3: Listen to answer what you hear in English.

  • 父はこわい人です。
  • 弟はつまらない人です。
  • My older sister is a strict person.
  • My grand father is a calm person.
  • My older brother is a quiet person.
  • My younger sister is a cheerful person.