Family: My older sister is good at using scissors.

Basic sentence
Basic sentencefamily

On this page, you can learn how to say somebody is good at doing something in Japanese.


Key Sentence

First box: English, Second box: Romaji, Last box: Japanese writing and audio

My older sister is good at using scissors.
a ne wa ha sa mi wo tsu ka u ko to ga jo u zu de su

One by one

  • 姉(あね) → my older sister
  • は → no meaning
  • はさみ → scissors
  • を → no meaning
  • 使うこと(つか・うこと) → using
  • が → no meaning
  • 上手(じょう・ず) → good at
  • です → is


【Japanese Vocabulary】My family
What you learn: my mother, my father, my older sister, my older brother, my grandmother, my grandfather, my aunt, my uncle / Extension: Use 一番上の for the oldest and 一番下の for the youngest to describe people in your family. Put a counter for people after brothers or sisters if you want to talk about more than one brother or sister.
Vocabulary: Basic verbs 1
On this page, you can learn very basic Japanese verbs.
Vocabulary: Basic verbs 2
On this page, you can learn very basic Japanese verbs.
Vocabulary: Basic nouns 1
On this page, you can learn very basic Japanese nouns.
Vocabulary: Basic nouns 2
On this page, you can learn very basic Japanese nouns.
Do you know chopsticks, fork, scissors or pencil in Japanese? Let's check them all here.


good at + verb-ing:【verb dict. form + ことが上手です】
On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for 'good at + verb-ing'.


Task 1: Change into Japanese.

  • My older brother is good at driving a car.
  • My mother is good at speaking Japanese.

Task 2: Change into English.

  • 父はコーヒーを作ることが上手です。
  • 弟ははしで食べものを食べることが上手です。


Task 3: Listen to answer what you hear in English.

