countries and nationalities

countries and nationalities


Key Sentences

  • What is your nationality? (na ni ji n de su ka)
  • I am Japanese. (wa ta shi wa ni ho n ji n de su)
  • What language do you speak? (na ni go wo ha na shi ma su ka)
  • I speak Japanese. (wa ta shi wa ni ho n go wo ha na shi ma su)
  • Where do you live? (do ko ni su n de i ma su ka)
  • I live in Japan. (wa ta shi wa ni ho n ni su n de i ma su)
  • Where did you come from? (do ko ka ra ki ma shi ta ka)
  • I came from Japan. (wa ta shi wa ni ho n ka ra ki ma shi ta)

What is エスニック料理(りょうり)in Japanese?

エスニック料理 reminds Japanese people of spicy rice dish for example.
Basic sentence

【I speak Japanese.】Let’s learn how to make a sentence to say what language somebody speaks in Japanese.

Do you know how to say 'I speak Japanese.', 'I speak Italian.' or 'I speak French.' in Japanese? Let's learn everything on this page.
Basic sentence

【Countries and nationalities】Where do you come from? どこからきましたか。(dokokara kimashitaka)

What is 'where'? What is 'came'? What is 'from' in Japanese? Lets' check them out.
Basic sentence

【Countries and nationalities】I came from + country. わたしは country からきました。(watashiwa country karakimashita)

Do you know how to say 'I came from Japan.', 'I came from Italy.' or 'I came from India.' in Japanese? Let's learn everything on this page.
Basic sentence

【Countries and nationalities】I am + nationality. わたしは country じんです。(watashiwa country jindesu)

Do you know how to say 'I am American.', 'I am Australian.' or 'I am Japanese.' in Japanese? Let's learn everything on this page.
quiz, test, task

Listening quiz: countries

On this page, you can take a listening quiz on countries.
question, grammar tip

Many countries in Japanese sound like English, but some others don’t. Please give me the list of them.

It is hard to guess what the countries below are, so let's remember them.


Do you know Japan, USA, India or Egypt in Japanese? Let's check them all here.