On this page, you can learn how to count small objects in Japanese.
Counter: 個(こ/ko)
It is used when you count small objects.

How small should they be?

They are strawberries, eggs, cakes etc.
- 一個(いっこ/i k ko):one
- 二個(にこ/ni ko):two
- 三個(さんこ/sa n ko):three
- 四個(よんこ/yo n ko):four
- 五個(ごこ/go ko):five
- 六個(ろっこ/ro k ko):six
- 七個(ななこ/na na ko):seven
- 八個(はっこ/ha k ko):eight
- 九個(きゅうこ/kyu u ko):nine
- 十個(じゅっこ/ju k ko):ten
When you count, put whatever you count first, then the counter.
- two eggs: たまご二個
- four strawberries: いちご四個
- eight erasers: けしごむ八個