
【Japanese daily conversation】Sports

On this page, you can see basic questions with a sample answer which are useful to talk about sports.

【Japanese daily conversation】Phone

On this page, you can see basic questions with a sample answer which are useful to talk about phones.
part time job

【Japanese daily conversation】Part time job

On this page, you can see basic questions with a sample answer which are useful to talk about part time job.

【Japanese daily conversation】School

On this page, you can see basic questions with a sample answer which are useful to talk about school.

【Japanese daily conversation】Family

On this page, you can see basic questions with a sample answer which are useful to talk about family.

【Japanese daily conversation】Travel

On this page, you can see basic questions with a sample answer which are useful to talk about travelling.

【Japanese Conversation: School】Let’s learn Japanese words and sentence patterns to talk about what you can and can’t do at school.

けいたいを使う、ピアスをする、たばこをすう、Do you know what they mean? Let's check them out on this page.

Let’s talk about movies in Japanese.

Let's learn basic words and sentence patterns to talk about movies in Japanese.

Conversation: School rule

On this page, you can learn Japanese questions and answers about school rule.

Phrases for introducing yourself in Japanese

On this page, you can learn phrases for introducing yourself in Japanese.