quiz, test, task

listening tasks

【★】Listening Task:京都ツアー、ガイドのしじ

You should know the following words for the text you are listening to: 写真(しゃしん)、有名な(ゆうめいな)、着く(つく)、乗る(のる)、降りる(おりる)
listening tasks

【★】Listening Task:京都への旅行

You should know the following words for the text you are listening to: 京都(きょうと)、空港(くうこう)、電車(でんしゃ)、来週(らいしゅう)、駅(えき)
listening tasks

【★】Listening Task:今日のアルバイト

You should know the following words for the text you are listening to: 映画(えいが)、数学(すうがく)、土曜日(どようび)、今度(こんど)、お客さん(おきゃくさん)
listening tasks

【★】Listening Task:スーパーでアルバイト

You should know the following words for the text you are listening to: 何(なに)、週末(しゅうまつ)、店長(てんちょう)、近所(きんじょ)、時給(じきゅう)
quiz, test, task

【Minna no Nihongo: Lesson 1】Sentence patterns and Key sentences

On this page, you can learn how key sentences in Minna no Nihongo are structured.

Listening exercise

こたえsix peopleこたえten peopleこたえthree peopleこたえtwo peopleこたえeight people
quiz, test, task

Describe pictures in Japanese

On this page, you can find pictures to describe in Japanese. Let's try to make five short Japanese sentences per photo, using different sentence patterns.
quiz, test, task

Read Japanese articles with relative clauses

Be familiar with relative clauses reading modified news articles.
quiz, test, task

Japanese reading and listening exercise

Listen to the audio files carefully to learn how to say them fluently.
quiz, test, task

【Test】Let’s describe a picture correctly.

You are to read four short sentences in Japanese per question, then choose one sentence to describe a picture precisely.