Sentence pattern

Sentence pattern

have not been to:【に行ったことがありません】

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for 'have not been to'.
Sentence pattern

not only A but also B:【A だけでなく B も】

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for 'not only A but also B'.
Sentence pattern

What about:【noun + はどうですか。】

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar to suggest ideas.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar: verb た form + ことがあります (kotoga arimasu) = have + verb-ed】Let’s learn how to talk about experiences in Japanese.

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for expressing your experience.
Sentence pattern

How to join nouns

On this page, you can learn how to join nouns in Japanese.
Sentence pattern

while + verb-ing:【verb stem form + ながら】

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for 'while + verb-ing'.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar】verb dictionary form + ことができます (kotogadekimasu) = can + verb

Let's learn how to say those sentences in Japanese: I can play tennis. My older sister can play the guitar. My father can speak English. My mother can drive a car.
Sentence pattern

good at + verb-ing:【verb dict. form + ことが上手です】

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for 'good at + verb-ing'.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar: て、 = verb and】Let’s learn how to join (or list) verbs, using てform

How do you say 'I eat sushi and drink beer' in Japanese? You need verbs in てform. Let's find out more details.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar】verb て form + から (kara) = after + verb-ing / verb and then

Sentences you are learning: 私はテレビを見てからねます。父は新聞を読んでから朝ごはんを食べます。