
Level 6 – topic: family and myself

Level 6 - topic: family and myself This is the list of the words you should know at least: my family somebody els...
Sentence pattern

Verb + like A:【A のように Verb】

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for 'Verb + like + Noun'.
Sentence pattern

Noun + like A:【A のような Noun】

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for 'Noun + like A'.

Vocabulary: What to wear

On this page, you can learn how to say what to wear in Japanese. Vocabulary listKanji characters in light blue are not b...
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar】verb て form + います (imasu) = be + verb-ing: Present Continuous

Let's learn how to say those sentences in Japanese: My mother is eating pasta with my older sister. I am playing with friends in a park. My father is listening to music in a living room now. My older brother is drinking sake with friends now. My uncle is playing baseball at a stadium now.
Beginner 1

【Japanese vocabulary】Greeting and saying good bye

Let's learn basic Japanese greeting such as good morning, good afternoon, good evening and how to say goodbye in Japanese.
Beginner 1

【Japanese Vocabulary: Numbers】1 to 10, 11 to 20, over 21, 100, 1000, 10000

Japanese numbers 1 to 10: 一(いち、ichi)二(に、ni)三(さん、san)四(し、shi)五(ご、go)六(ろく、roku)七(なな、nana)八(はち、hachi)九(きゅう、kyuu)十(じゅう、juu)/ 11 to 20: 十一(じゅういち、juuichi)十二(じゅうに、juuni)十三(じゅうさん、juusan)十四(じゅうし、juushi)十五(じゅうご、juugo)十六(じゅうろく、juuroku)十七(じゅうなな、juunana)十八(じゅうはち、juuhachi)十九(じゅうきゅう、juukyuu)二十(にじゅう、nijuu)

【Japanese vocabulary】Let’s learn colours. (Noun)

Colours can be nouns or adjectives in Japanese. Do you know red, blue, yellow or brown as an adjective in Japanese? Let's check them all here.
Sentence pattern

from A to B:【A から B まで】

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar, 'from A to B'.
Sentence pattern

Let’s:【Verb Stem Form + ましょう】

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for 'Let's'.