

Adverbs of Frequency

On this page, you can learn Japanese adverbs of frequency.

【Difference】between で (de) and に (ni) which are location marking particles

When you talk about a place, you often use 'in' or 'at' in English. In Japanese, they are で or に.
Sentence pattern

一番(いちばん)adjective + noun

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar to describe something superlative (best).
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar: noun + がいます (ga imasu) = There is + noun】how to describe where someone is

Let's learn how to say those sentences in Japanese: There is a child. There are dogs. There are cats.
question, grammar tip

The subject of a sentence

The subject of a sentence is a person or a thing which controls the verb.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar】Verb な form + ければなりません (kereba narimasen) = must, have to: how to express duty or obligation

Let's learn how to say those sentences in Japanese: My uncle must read magazines till 4 o'clock. My younger sister has to come to school tomorrow. My older brother has to study psychology this year.

【Japanese vocabulary・Noun】Months

ListEnglishKanaKana + KanjiRomaji (with space)RomajiJanuaryいちがつ一月i chi ga tsuichigatsuFebruaryにがつ二月ni ga tsunigatsuMarch...
Culture and News

Ryuk from Death Note dances along with PPAP

The god of the Death from Death Note, Ryuk, dances along with PPAP.

Word Order in a sentence

On this page, you can learn how to put words in a correct order in a sentence.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar: と思います (to omoimasu) = I think that】how to express your opinion

Can you change the following sentences to Japanese? You can do that once you learn the content on this page: I think apples are yummy. I think phones are convenient. I think Japanese is difficult. I think tennis is enjoyable. I think my younger sister is cute.