Culture and News

【Japanese culture with videos】Hello Kitty

Hello Kitty is one of the most famous Japanese icons around the world. It was created by Sanrio, Japanese retail company, in 1974.
Culture and News

【Japanese culture with videos】Konbini(コンビニ)

You can buy so many things in a Konbini shop, which is really convenient. There are more than 55,000 konbini shops around Japan.

【Easy Japanese やさしいにほんご】Pet(ペット)

The Japanese texts are short and easy for beginners to read. Before you start reading, let's learn 'have (pets)' is かっています in Japanese.

【Vocabulary: Verb】to read・よむ

Let's learn how to say and write 'to read' in Japanese. You can also learn its verb group, basic forms and conjugation endings.

【Easy Japanese やさしいにほんご】Baseball(やきゅう)

The Japanese texts are short and easy for beginners to read. Before you start reading, let's learn 'baseball player' is やきゅうのせんしゅ in Japanese.

【Japanese Grammar: Verb Group】What is Godan Verb?

Godan verbs are よむ、きく、しめる、およぐ、つかう etc. Why are they called Godan Verb?
food and drink

【Easy Japanese やさしいにほんご】Eating and drinking(たべたりのんだり)

The Japanese texts are short and easy for beginners to read. Before you start reading, you should know 'to eat' is たべます and 'to drink' is のみます in Japanese.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese Grammar】Noun + のあと

How do you say 'after school', 'after work', 'after the trip' etc in Japanese? Let's learn them all here.

【Vocabulary: Noun Weather】Season in Japanese

Do you know following words in Japanese: spring, summer, autumn and winter? Let's learn them all.

【Vocabulary: Verb】to listen・きく

Let's learn how to say and write 'to listen' in Japanese. You can also learn its verb group, basic forms and conjugation endings.