
【Vocabulary: Verb】to eat・たべる

Let's learn how to say and write 'to eat' in Japanese. You can also learn its verb group, basic forms and conjugation endings.

【Japanese Grammar: Verb Group】What is Ichidan Verb?

Ichidan verbs are たべる、ねる、しめる、みる、おきる etc. Why are they called Ichidan Verb?

Let’s learn Katakana with One Piece characters.

Let's learn how to read ルフィー、ナミ、ゾロ、サンジ and more, they are all from One Piece.
Culture and News

【Japanese culture with videos】how to use chopsticks(はしのつかいかた)

It is not too hard to hold chopsticks properly. Let's learn it.
Culture and News

【Japanese culture with videos】J Pop

J Pop is as good as K Pop. Let's take a look.
Culture and News

【Japanese culture with videos】takoyaki(たこやき)

Takoyaki is popular in Osaka in western Japan, although people in other regions enjoy eating them too.
Culture and News

【Japanese culture with videos】kimono

Kimono is Japanese traditional dress, which are for both men and women. Good ones can be really expensive, over a few million yen.

【Difference】between 思う(omou)and 考える(kangaeru)

Both verbs mean 'to think' although there are small differences between them.
Culture and News

【Japanese culture with videos】mochi(もち)

Mochi is made from sticky rice, which is different from short grain rice used for sushi.
Culture and News

【Japanese culture with videos】school lunch

Students prepare lunch on their own.