Sentence pattern

【Japanese Grammar】A called B = B という (toiu) A

Do you know how to say the followings in Japanese? Check this page if you are not sure: food called Takoyaki, a town called Yokohama, a flower called Ume.

【Japanese Grammar: Form】Verb たForm

たForm is used with various grammar patterns. It is also called Plain Past Positive Form, which you can use to describe what happened in the past. たForm can be made from てForm.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese Grammar】たり、たりします (tari, tarishimasu) = verb and verb: how to join or list verbs, using た form

Let's learn how to say the following sentences in Japanese: I read books and watch TV. I talk with friends and play games. My father reads newspaper and drinks coffee. My mother makes cakes and listen to music.

Informative writing

On this page, you can see examples of Japanese informative writing.
Culture and News

Advanced Park Assist by Nissan

Nissan, one of the major Japanese car companies, created a car which can park by itself.
Sentence pattern

help person to + verb:【person が verb dict. form のをてつだいます】

On this page, you can learn how to say 'help person to do' in Japanese.
Sentence pattern

ask person to + verb: 【person に verb dict. form ようにたのむ】

On this page, you can learn how to say 'ask person to do' in Japanese.
Sentence pattern

want person to + verb:【person に verb てform ほしいです】

On this page, you can learn how to say 'want somebody to do something' in Japanese. Prerequisite You need てForm for th...
Culture and News

Your name.【君の名は。】

This movie was released on the 26th of August in 2016 and made over 10 billion yen at the box office in the 28 days afte...
Sentence pattern

【Japanese Grammar】Infinitive

Let's learn about Japanese Infinitive which is 不定詞(ふ・てい・し/fu te i shi)in Japanese.