
【Japanese Grammar: Verb Group】There are three verb groups in Japanese.

On this page, you can learn what verb groups Japanese has and how you can find what Japanese verb belongs to which verb group.

Japanese Verb Potential Form

Japanese verb potential form: Group 1 (Godan Verb) Group 2 (Ichidan Verb) Irregular Verb

【Difference】between direct question and indirect question

Direct questions are often used amongst friends and somebody close to you such as people in your family.
question, grammar tip

Why do you have Kanji?

Kanji can help you to read Japanese sentences. Let's find out more details.
question, grammar tip

How many Japanese alphabets exist?

How many Japanese alphabets exist? There are three different alphabets in Japanese. They are Hiragana, Katakana and...

【Difference】between ‘verb てform’ and ‘verb たform + り’

Both of them mean "I eat peach, drink water and read books." However, the first sentence tells that the person does those things in that order.

Vocabulary: Subjects

On this page, you can learn Japanese vocabulary for subjects.

【Difference】between と (to) and や (ya) to join nouns

や implies more than what you list. と doesn't.
Sentence pattern

Indirect Question

On this page, you can learn how to make an indirect question in Japanese.
Sentence pattern

Relative Clause

Relative Clause is used when you would like to describe a noun. Adjectives are usually used when you describe nouns, but you can say more if you use Relative Clause.