The index of basic Japanese sentences can be found here.
【Beginner 2 Lesson 9: Direction】How to show the order of actions
Japanese sentence you are learning: 駅を出てから、しんごうをわたってください。
【Beginner 2 Lesson 9: Direction】How to ask how long it takes to go somewhere or do something, and respond
Japanese sentences you are learning: うちから学校までどのぐらいかかりますか。うちから学校まで歩いて15分ぐらいかかります。
【Beginner 2 Lesson 9: Direction】How to join two or more sets of actions
Japanese sentences you are learning: まっすぐ行って、しんごうを右にまがってください。この道をまっすぐ行って、つぎのかどを右にまがってください。
【Beginner 2 Lesson 9: Direction】How to give directions
Japanese sentences you are learning: この道をまっすぐ行ってください。しんごうをわたってください。銀行のかどを右にまがってください。二つ目のかどを左にまがってください。えいがかんは駅の前にあります。左がわにパン屋があります。
【Beginner 2 Lesson 9: Direction】How to ask where something is and respond
Japanese sentences you are learning: えいがかんはどこですか。このへんにトイレがありますか。ゆうびんきょくに行きたいんですが。えいがかんは駅の前にあります。左がわにパン屋があります。
【I speak Japanese.】Let’s learn how to make a sentence to say what language somebody speaks in Japanese.
Do you know how to say 'I speak Japanese.', 'I speak Italian.' or 'I speak French.' in Japanese? Let's learn everything on this page.
【Countries and nationalities】Where do you come from? どこからきましたか。(dokokara kimashitaka)
What is 'where'? What is 'came'? What is 'from' in Japanese? Lets' check them out.
【Countries and nationalities】I came from + country. わたしは country からきました。(watashiwa country karakimashita)
Do you know how to say 'I came from Japan.', 'I came from Italy.' or 'I came from India.' in Japanese? Let's learn everything on this page.
【Countries and nationalities】I am + nationality. わたしは country じんです。(watashiwa country jindesu)
Do you know how to say 'I am American.', 'I am Australian.' or 'I am Japanese.' in Japanese? Let's learn everything on this page.
Let’s learn how to introduce yourself in Japanese. (Hello. Nice to see you. My name is —.)
It would be really impressive if you can introduce yourself in Japanese when you see a Japanese person. Let's get started!