
Sentence pattern

【Japanese Grammar】Noun + のあと

How do you say 'after school', 'after work', 'after the trip' etc in Japanese? Let's learn them all here.

【Vocabulary: Verb】to listen・きく

Let's learn how to say and write 'to listen' in Japanese. You can also learn its verb group, basic forms and conjugation endings.

【Vocabulary: Verb】to eat・たべる

Let's learn how to say and write 'to eat' in Japanese. You can also learn its verb group, basic forms and conjugation endings.

【Japanese Grammar: Verb Group】What is Ichidan Verb?

Ichidan verbs are たべる、ねる、しめる、みる、おきる etc. Why are they called Ichidan Verb?

【Japanese Grammar】Basic conjugation for verbs and adjectives (Polite Form)

Let's learn four basic conjugation endings for Japanese verbs and adjectives in Polite Form. For example, do you know 'eat', 'don't eat', 'ate' and 'didn't eat' in Japanese?
Basic sentence

【Beginner 2 Lesson 9: Direction】How to show the order of actions

Japanese sentence you are learning: 駅を出てから、しんごうをわたってください。
Basic sentence

【Beginner 2 Lesson 9: Direction】How to ask how long it takes to go somewhere or do something, and respond

Japanese sentences you are learning: うちから学校までどのぐらいかかりますか。うちから学校まで歩いて15分ぐらいかかります。
Basic sentence

【Beginner 2 Lesson 9: Direction】How to join two or more sets of actions

Japanese sentences you are learning: まっすぐ行って、しんごうを右にまがってください。この道をまっすぐ行って、つぎのかどを右にまがってください。
Basic sentence

【Beginner 2 Lesson 9: Direction】How to give directions

Japanese sentences you are learning: この道をまっすぐ行ってください。しんごうをわたってください。銀行のかどを右にまがってください。二つ目のかどを左にまがってください。えいがかんは駅の前にあります。左がわにパン屋があります。
Basic sentence

【Beginner 2 Lesson 9: Direction】How to ask where something is and respond

Japanese sentences you are learning: えいがかんはどこですか。このへんにトイレがありますか。ゆうびんきょくに行きたいんですが。えいがかんは駅の前にあります。左がわにパン屋があります。