

Vocabulary: People

On this page, you can learn Japanese vocabulary for people.

Vocabulary: Directions

On this page, you can learn Japanese vocabulary for directions.

【Vocabulary】Occupation in Japanese

Do you know following words in Japanese: doctor, teacher, nurse, police officer, singer, farmer and so on. Let's learn them all.

【Japanese Vocabulary】Somebody else’s family

On this page, you can learn how to say people in a somebody else's family in Japanese.

【Japanese Vocabulary】My family

What you learn: my mother, my father, my older sister, my older brother, my grandmother, my grandfather, my aunt, my uncle / Extension: Use 一番上の for the oldest and 一番下の for the youngest to describe people in your family. Put a counter for people after brothers or sisters if you want to talk about more than one brother or sister.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar: According to A】: A によると

A によると is convenient when you need to refer to resources to support your opinion. Let's see some examples.

【Vocabulary: Basic words】Places 1

Let's learn the meaning and pronunciation of くうこう, ぎんこう, がっこう, ゆうびんきょく, スタジアム etc.
Sentence pattern

Verb + like A:【A のように Verb】

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for 'Verb + like + Noun'.
Sentence pattern

Noun + like A:【A のような Noun】

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for 'Noun + like A'.
Beginner 1

【Japanese Vocabulary: Numbers】1 to 10, 11 to 20, over 21, 100, 1000, 10000

Japanese numbers 1 to 10: 一(いち、ichi)二(に、ni)三(さん、san)四(し、shi)五(ご、go)六(ろく、roku)七(なな、nana)八(はち、hachi)九(きゅう、kyuu)十(じゅう、juu)/ 11 to 20: 十一(じゅういち、juuichi)十二(じゅうに、juuni)十三(じゅうさん、juusan)十四(じゅうし、juushi)十五(じゅうご、juugo)十六(じゅうろく、juuroku)十七(じゅうなな、juunana)十八(じゅうはち、juuhachi)十九(じゅうきゅう、juukyuu)二十(にじゅう、nijuu)