- Greeting:
- Countries and nationality: countries, languages, nationality
- My family: family, somebody else’s family, family relationship
- Food and drink: vegetables, fruits, popular food, seafood, ingredients, seasoning, meal, Japanese dishes, drink, what you have for breakfast
- School: classroom items, school subject, sports
- Describing people: clothing, colours
- furniture
- seasons
- nature
- days of the week
- months of the year
- animals
- transport
- technology
- tools
- appliances
- activities
Obento Deluxe Unit 10 Grammar Notes
VocabularyVerbs (positive)EnglishKanaRomaji (with space)Romajito eatたべますta be ma sutabemasuto drinkのみますno mi ma sunomima...
Japanese grammar index
Sentence patterns that you have on this page are for beginners to intermediate learners of Japanese.
【Japanese Grammar】Noun + のあと
How do you say 'after school', 'after work', 'after the trip' etc in Japanese? Let's learn them all here.
【Vocabulary: Noun Weather】Season in Japanese
Do you know following words in Japanese: spring, summer, autumn and winter? Let's learn them all.
What word should I use to call my husband or wife in Japanese?
The words you have on this page are つま、おくさん、おっと、しゅじん、だんな etc. Let's learn how to use them properly.
【Beginner 2 Lesson 10: Sports】Vocabulary
Some of the words you are learning on this page are: 使う、乗る、入る、出る、見る、ジョギングする、空手、乗馬、サッカー、ラグビー、マラソン etc
【Beginner 2 Lesson 9: Direction】Vocabulary
Some of the words you are learning on this page are: えいがかん、びじゅつかん、こうさてん、ひだり、きた、まがる、まっすぐ、とおい etc
【Japanese vocabulary: Counter】Let’s learn how to count cups, glasses and bowls
Let's learn how to count cups, glasses and bowls in Japanese: いっぱい、にはい、さんばい、よんはい、ごはい、ろっぱい、ななはい、はっぱい、きゅうはい、じゅっぱい
【Japanese vocabulary: Counter】Let’s learn how to count long, cylindrical items.
On this page, you can learn how to count long, cylindrical items in Japanese.
【Japanese vocabulary: Counter】Let’s learn how to count large animals.
On this page, you can learn how to count large animals in Japanese.