
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar: と言います (to iimasu) = Somebody says that】how to report speech

Can you change the following sentences to Japanese? You can do that once you learn the content on this page: My older brother says that music is fun. My younger brother says that tennis is boring. My father says that Korean is hard. My mother says that birds are cute. My mother said that I broke the clock.
Basic sentence

【Basic Sentence: Sports】I think rugby is dangerous.

Let's learn how to say your opinion about sports in Japanese.
Sentence pattern

like + noun:【noun + がすきです】

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for expressing what somebody likes.
Sentence pattern

Many people think:【と思う人は多いです。】

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar to talk about what many people think.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar: と思います (to omoimasu) = I think that】how to express your opinion

Can you change the following sentences to Japanese? You can do that once you learn the content on this page: I think apples are yummy. I think phones are convenient. I think Japanese is difficult. I think tennis is enjoyable. I think my younger sister is cute.
Sentence pattern

わたしは A より B がすきです。

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for what you like more than other things.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar】verb dictionary form + ことがすきです (ことが好きです/kotogasukidesu) = like to + verb

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar to express what you like to do.