
quiz, test, task

Describe pictures in Japanese

On this page, you can find pictures to describe in Japanese. Let's try to make five short Japanese sentences per photo, using different sentence patterns.

Let’s talk about movies in Japanese.

Let's learn basic words and sentence patterns to talk about movies in Japanese.

How to make your writing better in Japanese

On this page, you can find what makes your Japanese writing composition more sophisticated.

How to write a conclusion paragraph in Japanese

On this page, you can see examples of a good conclusion paragraph.

How to finish your letter or email in Japanese

There are set phrases to finish up your letter or email in Japanese. They are very handy to use at the end of your writing.

Text type: Article, report

You should also read Rules for Genko-yoshi. A report can be the same format as an article.

Write about good points and bad points in Japanese

On this page, you can learn how to write about good points and bad points in Japanese.

Text type: Letter

You should also read Rules for Genko-yoshi.add さん if you need to show respect to the sendee.add へ at the end of the send...

Text type: personal account, diary, or journal entry

You should also read Rules for Genko-yoshi.A personal account, diary, or journal entry are often written in PLAIN FORM.

Text type: Speech script

A speech script is written in Polite Form as you usually make a speech in Polite Form.