food and drink

food and drink

【Easy Japanese やさしいにほんご】Eating and drinking(たべたりのんだり)

The Japanese texts are short and easy for beginners to read. Before you start reading, you should know 'to eat' is たべます and 'to drink' is のみます in Japanese.
Culture and News

タピオカ tapioca

Japanese girls enjoy drinking tapioca pearl juices to upload photos on SNS including Instagram.
food and drink


Do you know milk, water, tea or beer in Japanese? Let's check them all here.
food and drink

【Difference】between 食事 (shokuji) and まかない (makanai)

まかない is not a common word but you may sometimes hear it in a daily conversation. Let's find out how to pronounce and use it.
food and drink

【Vocabulary】what you have for breakfast

Do you know egg, cereal, water or ham in Japanese? Let's check them all here.
food and drink


Do you know tuna, squid, salmon or octopus in Japanese? Let's check them all here.
food and drink

Vocabulary: Food – fruits

On this page, you can learn Japanese vocabulary for fruits.
food and drink

Vocabulary: Food – ingredients

On this page, you can learn Japanese vocabulary for ingredients.
food and drink

Vocabulary: Food – popular food

On this page, you can learn Japanese vocabulary for popular food in Japan.
food and drink

Vocabulary: eat out

On this page, you can learn Japanese vocabulary for eating out.