

【Japanese onomatopoeia for eating and drinking】もぐもぐ (mogumogu), むしゃむしゃ (mushamusha), ごくごく (gokugoku)

On this page, you can learn Japanese onomatopoeia for eating and drinking.

【Japanese onomatopoeia for happiness, brightness】キラキラ (kirakira), ワクワク (wakuwaku)

On this page, you can learn Japanese onomatopoeia for happiness, brightness.

【Japanese onomatopoeia for fire, water】

On this page, you can learn Japanese onomatopoeia for fire and water.

【Japanese onomatopoeia for fear, uncertainty, nervousness】ぞくぞく (zokuzoku), いらいら (iraira), そわそわ (sowasowa), がたがた (gatagata), ぷんぷん (punpun)

On this page, you can learn Japanese onomatopoeia for fear, uncertainty and nervousness.
words in news, manga etc

Words in manga: またね – See you.

Let's learn Japanese with manga. What you are going to learn on this page is: またねーーーーーーーーー! またね (...
words in news, manga etc

Words in manga: うん – yes

Let's learn Japanese with manga. What you are going to learn on this page is: うん分かったいいよ! うん (Yes)...

【Japanese vocabulary: suffix after person’s name】 くん (kun)、さん (san)、ちゃん (chan)

くん is for boys and ちゃん is for girls. What about さん and さま? Let's check them out.
food and drink

【Difference】between 食事 (shokuji) and まかない (makanai)

まかない is not a common word but you may sometimes hear it in a daily conversation. Let's find out how to pronounce and use it.
words in news, manga etc

Words in manga: かんぱい – cheers

Let's learn Japanese with manga. What you are going to learn on this page is: それじゃ。かんぱい! When you read manga,...
words in news, manga etc

Words in manga: 勝つ – win

Let's learn Japanese with manga. What you are going to learn on this page is: 今日おれは勝つ! 今日おれは勝つ! (I...