On this page, you are going to learn the first 15 Hiragana characters. Visit this page if you want to see all Hiragana characters.
They are the Japanese vowels. Only five of them. Make sure you can pronounce each vowel properly.

- あ (a)

- い (i)

- う (u)

- え (e)

- お (o)
- か (ka)
- き (ki)
- く (ku)
- け (ke)
- こ (ko)
- さ (sa)
- し (shi)
- す (su)
- せ (se)
- そ (so)
Let’s see if you remember the first 15 Hiragana letters.
Simple Japanese words
Let’s learn simple words with the first 15 Hiragana characters you just have learnt above.
- あい : love
- こい : carp
- いし : stone
- いか : squid
- かい : sea shell
- かお : face
- かさ : umbrella
- あさ : breakfast
- あき: autumn
- しか: deer