

Vocabulary: Basic words – weather

On this page, you can learn basic Japanese vocabulary for weather.
food and drink

【Vocabulary】Adjectives to describe food and drink

Do you know yummy, bitter, sweet, salty or oily in Japanese? Let's check them all here.
Sentence pattern

look, sound, seem + adjective:【adj. stem form + そうです】

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for 'look, sound or seem + adjective'.
Sentence pattern

一番(いちばん)adjective + noun

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar to describe something superlative (best).

なadjective Form

On this page, you can learn about なadjective Form.

いadjective Form

On this page, you can learn about いadjective Form.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese Grammar】How to join adjectives

Do you know how to say 'small and cute' or 'tall and cool' in Japanese?
Sentence pattern

【Japanese Grammar】Infinitive

Let's learn about Japanese Infinitive which is 不定詞(ふ・てい・し/fu te i shi)in Japanese.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar】A は B より adjective。= A is more adjective than B.

How do you compare things in Japanese? Can you change the following sentences to Japanese? You can do that once you learn the content on this page: Australia is bigger than Japan. I am taller than my mother. Cats are cuter than dogs. Planes are faster than bullet trains.
Sentence pattern

Some people:【Plain Form (verb or adjective) + 人もいます】

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for 'Some people + verb or adjective'.