

【Japanese Alphabet】What is Kana?

Kana means both Hiragana and Katakana. This is how to write 'Kana' in Japanese. There are three ways: かな (written in Hiragana), カナ (written in Katakana) and 仮名 (written in Kanji).

4, 7 and 9 are tricky numbers in Japanese.

Four in Japanese has three different ways of the pronunciation. Seven in Japanese has two different ways of the pronunciation. They are interchangeable most of the time. Nine in Japanese has two different ways of the pronunciation, although 'kyuu(きゅう)' is used most of the time.

Obento Supreme Unit 4 Grammar Notes

【Vocabulary】seasons, spring activities, summer activities, autumn activities, all year round activities, weather, temperature【Kanji】春、夏、秋、冬【Grammar】Stem Form + たいです。 (want to verb)、season に, person は activity を verb。(In SEASON, PERSON VERB ACTIVITY.)、person は place に activity に いきます。(PERSON go to PLACE to do ACTIVITY.)、きょう の てんき は WEATHER です。(It is WEATHER today.)、きのう の てんき は WEATHER でした。(It was WEATHER yesterday.)、あした の てんき は WEATHER でしょう。(It will be WEATHER tomorrow.)、さいこうきおん は NUMBER ど です。(The maximum temperature is NUMBER degrees.)

Obento Supreme Unit 7 Grammar Notes

【Vocabulary】body, face, physical appearance, personality, いcolours, のcolours, clothes, accessories【Kanji】手、目、耳、口、大、小【Grammar】A は adjective です。(A is adjective.)、A は body part が adjective です。(A has adjective + body part.)、いadjective くて (adjective and ---)、なadjective で (adjective and ---)、adjective ですが (adjective but ---)、adjective ですけど (adjective but ---)、A は clothes (above the waist) を きています。A は clothes (below the waist) を はいています。A は accessories を しています。(A is wearing ---)

Obento Supreme Unit 11 Grammar Notes

【Vocabulary】occupations, talking about occupations, work places【Kanji】語、英、家、友、会、社、間、町【Grammar】たForm + り、たForm + りします (verb and verb)、Dictionary Form + ために (in order to verb)、A と B どちらのほうが adjective ですか。(Which are more adjective, A or B?)、A のほうが B より adjective です。(A is more adjective than B.)、B のなかで A が一ばん adjective です。(A is the most adjective amongst B.)
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar: と言います (to iimasu) = Somebody says that】how to report speech

Can you change the following sentences to Japanese? You can do that once you learn the content on this page: My older brother says that music is fun. My younger brother says that tennis is boring. My father says that Korean is hard. My mother says that birds are cute. My mother said that I broke the clock.

【Difference】児童(じどう), せいと(生徒)and がくせい(学生)

Both Japanese words mean 'student'. However, they are clearly different by law.
Culture and News

【Japanese rock band】打首獄門同好会(うちくびごくもんどうこうかい/uchikubi gokumon doukoukai)

Uchikubi Gokumon Doukoukai (UGD) is a Japanese rock band started in 2004 and consists of 3 members. Uchikubi means cutting a head of major criminals. It is one of the death penalties in Edo era (1603 to 1868).

ち means ‘house’ in an informal way.

Let's learn how to use ち correctly to talk about somebody's house. You can also learn the origin of ち.

【Learn in Japanese】キャッシュレスさい銭 (kyasshuresu saisen / Cashless money offering)

People usually prepare a 50 yen coin as money offering to pray at temples and shrines in Japan. It is sometimes inconvenient and more people do not carry cash but smart phones. So they started to provide cashless money offering service.