Plain Form

Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar: と言います (to iimasu) = Somebody says that】how to report speech

Can you change the following sentences to Japanese? You can do that once you learn the content on this page: My older brother says that music is fun. My younger brother says that tennis is boring. My father says that Korean is hard. My mother says that birds are cute. My mother said that I broke the clock.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar】verb dictionary form + かもしれません (kamoshiremasen) = may + verb

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for expressing what somebody or something may do.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar】verb dictionary form + べきです (bekidesu) = should + verb

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for expressing what somebody should do.

【Japanese Grammar】Basic conjugation for verbs and adjectives (Plain Form)

Let's learn four basic conjugation endings for Japanese verbs and adjectives in Plain Form: Present Positive Form, Present Negative Form, Past Positive Form and Past Negative Form.

【Japanese Grammar: Form】Polite Form and Plain Form for adjectives

There are two ways to say 'yummy' in Japanese for example. One is for talking with friends and the other is for talking with teachers and elderly people.
Sentence pattern

intend to:【verb dict. form + つもりです】

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for 'intend to'.
Sentence pattern

【Japanese grammar: と思います (to omoimasu) = I think that】how to express your opinion

Can you change the following sentences to Japanese? You can do that once you learn the content on this page: I think apples are yummy. I think phones are convenient. I think Japanese is difficult. I think tennis is enjoyable. I think my younger sister is cute.

【Difference】between Verb Polite Form and Verb Plain Form

For example, 'to eat' in Polite Form is たべます and that in Plain Form is たべる. Verbs in Polite Form are used in a formal occasion and to show respect to people. Verbs in Plain Form are used amongst friends in a casual situation.
Sentence pattern

Relative Clause

Relative Clause is used when you would like to describe a noun. Adjectives are usually used when you describe nouns, but you can say more if you use Relative Clause.
Sentence pattern

Some people:【Plain Form (verb or adjective) + 人もいます】

On this page, you can learn Japanese grammar for 'Some people + verb or adjective'.