Let's learn Japanese with songs

Let's learn Japanese with songs
Culture and News

【Japanese rock band】打首獄門同好会(うちくびごくもんどうこうかい/uchikubi gokumon doukoukai)

Uchikubi Gokumon Doukoukai (UGD) is a Japanese rock band started in 2004 and consists of 3 members. Uchikubi means cutting a head of major criminals. It is one of the death penalties in Edo era (1603 to 1868).
Culture and News

【Japanese culture with videos】J Pop

J Pop is as good as K Pop. Let's take a look.
Culture and News

Let’s learn the lyrics of the Attack on Titan song

You can learn the lyrics of the Attack on Titan theme song '心臓を捧げよ(しんぞうをささげよ/shi n zo u wo sa sa ge yo)'. What you have on this page is from the end of the song.
Culture and News

【Let’s learn Japanese with songs】 紅蓮華(Gurenge)by LiSA

This is a theme song of Demon Slayer(鬼滅の刃、きめつのやいば). You can learn words such as 理由、僕、強く、進め on this page. Check the meaning, pronunciation and how to use them.
Culture and News

【Let’s learn Japanese with songs】 BOHBO No.5 by サザンオールスターズ (Southern All Stars)

You can learn words such as 誰もが、星、命、わけ on this page. Check the meaning, pronunciation and how to use them.
Culture and News

【Let’s learn Japanese with songs】 人にやさしく (Nice to People) by ブルーハーツ (The Blue Hearts)

You can learn words such as がんばれ、いつでも、僕、歌う時 on this page. Check the meaning, pronunciation and how to use them.
Culture and News

【Let’s learn Japanese with songs】 いのちの歌 (Song of life) by 村松崇継 (Takatsugu Muramatsu)

You can learn words such as 出会った、笑った、命、ありがとう on this page. Check the meaning, pronunciation and how to use them.
Culture and News

Let’s learn Japanese with the song 福笑い (Happy Laugh) by 高橋優 (Yu Takahashi).

笑ってたら、笑いたくなる、僕、they are the example of the words you can learn on this page. Check the meaning, pronunciation and how to use them.
Culture and News

Let’s learn Japanese with the song 栄光の架橋 (Bridge of Glory) by ゆず (Yuzu).

夜、恐くて、悔しくて、震えていた、they are the example of the words you can learn on this page. Check the meaning, pronunciation and how to use them.
Culture and News

Let’s learn Japanese with the song 渡良瀬橋 (Watarase Bridge) by 森高千里 (Chisato Moritaka).

とても、見る、夕日、好きだった、they are the example of the words you can learn on this page. Check the meaning, pronunciation and how to use them.