Family: My younger sister is reading a book.

Basic sentence
Basic sentencefamily

On this page, you can learn how to say what people in your family are doing in Japanese.


Key Sentence

First box: English, Second box: Romaji, Last box: Japanese writing and audio

My younger sister is reading a book.
i mo u to wa ho n wo yo n de i ma su

One by one

  • 妹(いもうと) → my younger sister
  • は → no meaning
  • 本(ほん) → book
  • を → no meaning
  • 読んでいます(よ・んでいます) → am reading


【Japanese Vocabulary】My family
What you learn: my mother, my father, my older sister, my older brother, my grandmother, my grandfather, my aunt, my uncle / Extension: Use 一番上の for the oldest and 一番下の for the youngest to describe people in your family. Put a counter for people after brothers or sisters if you want to talk about more than one brother or sister.
Vocabulary: Basic nouns 1
On this page, you can learn very basic Japanese nouns.
Vocabulary: Basic nouns 2
On this page, you can learn very basic Japanese nouns.
Vocabulary: Basic verbs 1
On this page, you can learn very basic Japanese verbs.
Vocabulary: Basic verbs 2
On this page, you can learn very basic Japanese verbs.
Vocabulary: Basic words – places 2
On this page, you can learn basic Japanese vocabulary for places.


【Japanese grammar】verb て form + います (imasu) = be + verb-ing: Present Continuous
Let's learn how to say those sentences in Japanese: My mother is eating pasta with my older sister. I am playing with friends in a park. My father is listening to music in a living room now. My older brother is drinking sake with friends now. My uncle is playing baseball at a stadium now.


Task 1: Change into Japanese.

  • My older brother is watching TV.
  • My younger sister is swimming in a pool.

Task 2: Change into English.

  • おじは部屋で手紙を書いています。
  • 姉はと書かんで勉強しています。


Task 3: Listen to answer what you hear in English.

